We lost another voice and the body that carried it. We lost a friend and a fellow quartet singer. We lost Larry to that horrible disease cancer after fighting the brave battle for almost a year. We loved to sing next to Larry because he was accurate and good. We loved to be around him because he was always upbeat and energetic. He would direct us in the proper style and sang in the barbershop style.
Bless Larry and Charmain and bring Charmain peace in the grief of her loss.
We are the only non-profit PREMIER a Cappella male BARBERSHOP harmony chorus in the Montrose, Delta, and Cedaredge area
We sing every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM at the Olathe United Methodist Church at 518 Hersum Street. All male singers are more than welcome to join us. Cookies and coffee at every break. Singing the rest of the time. If you would like more information about joining, please click on the button below for a letter explaining all the benefits.
Webmaster: Bill Sutton
Publications/communications VP
More information
click on one of the following
click on one of the following
Singing old songs and new songs in 4-part Barbershop harmony without accompanyment. We sing western, pop, show, and love songs. Even humorous songs. We sing in Montrose, Olathe, Delta, and Cedaredge Colorado
"Flourishing and growing as individuals, as a chorus, and as a chapter by singing in an atmosphere of musical excellence and by promoting harmony in our lives, our relationships, and our community. "
A Non-Profit charitable organization
All about The Black Canyon Barbershop Chorus
The Black Canyon Barbershop Chorus is organized as the Montrose Chapter of The Barbershop Harmony Society
(S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A). We meet at the Olathe (Colorado) United Methodist
Church, 518 Hersum Ave. at 7:00 PM most Thursday evenings. During our
meetings we enjoy music craft, music education, and singing in
unaccompanied four-part harmony.
Chapter presents one Annual Show/Concert along with several regional shows in various
communities throughout the year. Our membership is based on fellowship,
friendship, and our appreciation for being a part of the unmistakable
sound of men singing in perfect four-part a Cappella harmony.
of the Black Canyon Chorus come from all over the Gunnison and
Uncompahgre River Valleys in Delta and Montrose Counties. With a present
membership of 30 men, we are eager to add other members -- men from our
neighborhoods who love to sing.
you become part of this great singing organization (incidentally, the
world's largest for men!) you could sing in a chorus, take part in the
administration, enjoy the fellowship, or best of all, sing in a
quartet. There is no prerequisite to joining our chapter except that
you like to sing. You are always welcome to come sing with us, or you
may just come to listen. We are always happy to see you.